MeetingResult System

The PSM system is based upon a best-in-class process that was developed as a result of our decades of collective experience managing and attending thousands of business meetings. Throughout this experience, we recognized that great meetings follow a common syntax. Our goal was to model that success formula and put it at your fingertips so that you too can deliver consistently great meetings with little additional effort.

For a more in-depth review of the PSM system, you can get a copy of our book, Powerfully Simple Meetings. The following is a high-level overview of the PSM System to get you started. If you have further questions you can always email us at with your questions and comments.

The PSM process is comprised of three fundamental phases: planning, executing, reporting. Each of these three phases is essential and specifically designed to build the clarity, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness that are required to run consistently great meetings.

These three fundamental phases are implemented and automated through our MeetingResult technology platform. Follow these three basic steps and you will be well on your way to fewer, faster, more focused meetings!


Planning Phase The planning process is focused on setting the meeting up for success by ensuring clarity of purpose and approach.

Effective planning ensures that you have the right people focused on the right objectives to meet your outcomes. Key steps in the planning process include:

  1. Document the objective(s) for the meeting.
  2. Design an agenda that will achieve the stated objectives.
  3. Identify who will lead the different agenda items.
  4. Determine which stakeholders need to attend (i.e. attendees) and which need to simply be informed of the meeting content (Meeting Subscriber).
  5. Tackle meeting logistics (location, date/time, duration, materials, etc.)
  6. Distribute the agenda well in advance of the meeting and ask for feedback
  7. Distribute any read-ahead materials well in advance of the meeting.

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Execution Phase The Meeting Execution phase is where the PSM System greatly differs from the status quo of today’s business meetings.

Execution is about delivering against the plan while driving towards the meeting objectives and capturing all of the value that is generated along the way. During this phase, the goal is to ensure maximum value is generated and captured in the form of Meeting Assets so that an appreciable return on meeting investment is achieved. Key steps in the execution process include:

  1. Capture meeting attendance.
  2. Review meeting background, objectives, agenda.
  3. Execute against the agenda.
  4. Capture Meeting Assets – Without question, the most important part of the PSM system is the process of collecting the vital content that is generated during the meeting. A concept that we call Meeting Assets. Simply put, Meeting Assets are the fruit of your meeting – the intellectual property that gets generated throughout the course of your meetings. Assets can come in many different forms depending on the context of your meeting. For a project-based meeting, the standard asset package consists of decisions, after meeting action assignments, issues, risks, and key ideas or concepts. Regardless of the asset types that pertain to your business, the bottom line is that these assets categories must be defined and then captured in your meetings. Anything short of that, and your wasting your time and the time of all your attendees.
  5. Conclude and summarize key points, next steps

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Reporting Phase The Reporting or Results Phase of the PSM System is critical to ensuring Clarity, Accountability and Efficiency.

In most organizations meeting managers typically do one of two things after a meeting concludes: 1) send out extensive meeting minutes (that few ever read) or most likely 2) do nothing.

Extensive meeting minutes do little to help us achieve our goal of increasing clarity and driving accountability through transparency. In order for these outcomes to be achieved the meeting output must be as concise and to the point as possible.

The PSM “results phase” culminates with the distribution of a meeting summary report that captures all of the important meeting assets and a few other important pieces of information. Key principles for the meeting results phase include:

  1. Prepare a meeting summary report that includes the following components:
    • Agenda Items Covered – Identify the agenda items that were completed and those that were not completed
    • Meeting Attendees – Document who attended and who didn’t attend
    • Meeting Logistics – Date, time, actual duration, conference call/web meeting information
    • Meeting Assets – Document all of the meeting assets captured and the relevant details (description, dates, owner etc.)
  2. Distribute meeting summary report to meeting attendees and subscribers for review.
  3. Obtain stakeholder feedback and comments.
  4. Notify other key individuals of any important meeting outcomes or discussion points (i.e. “tagged” stakeholders who need to be informed on a meeting asset).
  5. Distribute final meeting summary report (if edits were made and accepted)

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