Plan your First Meeting

Follow the steps below to get your first Meeting under your belt.

  1. Select the appropriate project from the list of projects on the left of the main dashboard.
  2. Click on the plus (+) button to the right of the Planned and Completed toggle buttons next to the Meetings section header.
  3. This will bring up the New Meeting popup.
  4. You have two options.  You can enter just a meeting name and choose to Meeting Now or you can go through the full planning for the meeting.  For this tutorial we are going to assume that you are highly organized and plan all of your meetings.
  5. Enter the name for the meeting, verify that you have the correct project selected and choose the data and time for the meeting.  All of this information can be further edited on the meeting planning screen that will display once you click on the Plan button.
  6. Next enter the Location of your meeting. This could include a physical room number, a conference bridge number or information about online meetings.
  7. Click on the “Start Time” button to change the date and time of the meeting. In order to save your setting click on the screen off of the date/time selector. After you choose the start time of the meeting click not the “Duration” button to select the length of the meeting. Again after you select the duration click on the screen somewhere off of the time selector in order to close the time selector and record the duration for the meeting.
  8. Next click on the Project button to change the project that the meeting belongs to. A pop-up window will appear with a list of all open projects that you have created within MeetingResult. Click on the project that you want to assign to the meeting.
  9. Next you can add Objectives for the meeting. Click on the “Edit” button next to Objectives. A pop-up window will appear. Click on the plus (+) button in the upper left hand corner of the pop-up window. This will add a text box where you can type the description of the Objective. If you would like to add another Objective then click on the plus (+) button again and type the description of the new Objective. Once you have more than one Objective you can also change the order of the Objectives by pressing the “three line icon” to the right of the Objective and dragging it to the appropriate place in the list of Objectives. When you are finished adding Objectives click on the “done” button in the upper right hand corner of the pop-up window. You will see a message below Objectives that tells you how many Objectives you have added.
  10. Next you can add Agenda Items for the meeting. Click on the “Edit” button next to Agenda Items. A pop-up window will appear. Click on the plus (+) button in the upper left hand corner of the pop-up window. This will add a text box and two selection buttons where you can type the description of the Agenda Item, Choose a Presenter for the Agenda Item and Choose a duration for the Agenda Item.  You can also add Notes for agenda items.  Notes could be important points that you want to be sure you make during the meeting.  You can add Notes by clicking on the +Add Note option.  After you are done with the agenda item click on the Agenda button in the upper left hand corner of the popup screen to return to the main Agenda screen.   If you would like to add another Agenda Item then click on the +Add Agenda Item option again and repeat the same steps. Once you have more than one Agenda Item you can also change the order of the Agenda Items by pressing the “three line icon” to the right of the Agenda Item and dragging it to the appropriate place in the list of Agenda Items.   When you are finished adding Agenda Items click on the Close button in the upper right hand corner of the pop-up window. You will see a message below Agenda Items that tells you how many Agenda Items you have added.
  11. Next you can enter Attendees and Subscribers to your meeting. Click on the “Choose” button next to Attendees. A pop-up window will appear with a list of all Stakeholders that belong to the project that was assigned to the meeting. Click on each Project Stakeholder that you want to add to the Attendee list for the meeting. If there are Stakeholder that you want to add to the meeting but don’t show up in the list then you will need to add them as Stakeholders on the assigned project first and then they will be available to add to the Attendee list for your meeting.  To designate a Stakeholder as a Subscriber you will need to click on their name twice.  You will see the Subscriber label show up next to their name.  Subscribers will receive a copy of the meeting summary report that is created for the meeting.  When you are finished adding Attendees click on the screen off of the pop-up window. This will close the pop-up windows and you will be back on the Create Meeting page. You will see a message below Attendees that tells you how many Attendees and Subscribers you have added.