How to Enhance Accountability in Your Meetings

One way to measure the effectiveness of your meetings is by how well you hold your team members accountable. What are your expectations after the meeting, and is your team meeting them? With meeting software, you can automate your team’s accountability and keep them on track.

Define Accountability

The first step in measuring accountability is defining what it means to you. One way to think about accountability is to replace it with words like outcomes, sales, units of production, hours billed, and other results that you can express in numbers. When you’re talking about accountability for a meeting, consider using similar quantifiers.

How did your team members respond to the objectives and expectations you outlined in your meeting? What concrete results could you track as outcomes? If you can see the numbers and the results, you can assess the situation clearly.

Set Out Your Expectations

You can’t measure compliance or accountability unless your team knows what you expect. Set specific objectives for each meeting and each attendee. When you do, tell them that reaching those goals is good for the company and the team. Explain that failing to meet these expectations will result in corrective measures, and outline what they are.

Knowing what’s expected of them helps your meeting attendees focus on specific goals and avoid distractions. It lets them know what your priorities are and how their performance will be measured. State your case clearly to avoid all misunderstandings.

Offer Both Rewards and Guidance

Accountability means your meeting attendees can expect consequences for failing to live up to what they promised. This is critical for the success of your meeting. Don’t worry that this might make some team members uncomfortable. Holding people accountable gives them ownership of their work.

Besides offering correction, ensure you have a system of rewards for those who reach their goals and meet your expectations. Focusing only on negative outcomes will demoralize your team, so make sure you also praise and reward those who complete their assignments.

Focus on Solutions

While holding your team accountable, you must show that you hold yourself to the same standards. When you hold a meeting, create a list of assignments for yourself and each attendee. Be specific. Focus on solutions. Invite team members to contribute their ideas for solving problems and advancing the goals of the meeting.

Use Meeting Software to Automate the Process

Meeting management software from MeetingResult will help you streamline this process. Use the software to define each attendee’s tasks and responsibilities. A built-in tracker and email reminder will alert you to deadlines. You’ll get status updates and other key information at the touch of a button.

Powerful meetings should lead to powerful results. If you’re not getting the accountability you want from your meetings, talk to us. With our training, software, and other resources, we can help you create meetings that work.


Efficient Meeting Flow – MeetingResult

Helpful links for running more efficient business meetings.

Meeting Effectiveness Evaluation ToolPowerfully Simple Meetings WorkshopPowerfully Simple Meetings BookMeeting Management Web Software