Streamline Meetings with MR Software

Streamline Your Meetings with the Right Software

The right meeting software will help you create meetings your team can’t wait to attend. The software can help you organize, plan, and monitor your meetings while keeping track of important data.

Streamline It with Software

Our software makes it easy to hold meetings by streamlining the process of planning and hosting a meeting.

When you host a meeting, you want it to be focused, meaningful, and engaging. It seems like a simple goal, but it’s very hard to achieve—until now. With our Powerfully Simple Meetings (PSM) training, meeting effectiveness evaluation tool (MEET), and the right software, you can have a successful meeting every time.

How do we know that? We’ve tested and refined our process over years, and we’ve seen how it works for dozens of companies. If you’re a meeting planner, executive, or business owner, you’ll save time on every aspect of your meeting strategy.

Increase Efficiency with One-Click Controls

Our advanced features make it easy to get control of your meetings. With a single click, you can:

• Capture key data
• Take notes
• List your action items
• Establish outcomes and goals
• Organize meeting content
• Take minutes
• Send data to interested parties

When you’re starting a new software program, you don’t have time to waste on long, boring training sessions, and you can’t afford extended downtimes in your business. We’ve made this software so easy to use, that you’ll be up and running in a few minutes. Combined with our powerful, enjoyable training program, you won’t have to spend days learning it.

Create a Central Knowledge Base

Would you like to have one easy-to-use database for all your meeting-related information? This central knowledge base lets you search past meetings for anything relevant to your current meeting. Use it to:

• Remind yourself about past meeting goals and objectives
• Track progress toward your goals
• Send relevant information to meeting attendees
• Get new employees up to speed on the issues

Set Performance Metrics and Track Them

Meeting software can help define your meeting’s success. This has many facets. Did your meeting meet your objectives? Was it well-organized and interesting? Did your attendees participate enthusiastically?

The right software can set goals in actionable, measurable units that you can track over time.

Our meeting-related products are designed to work together. Use our PSM (Powerfully Simple Meetings) training to learn a better approach to meetings, use the Meeting Effectiveness Evaluator Tool (MEET) to make sure every meeting is the best it can be, and use the PSM software to organize everything. You’ll have all the tools you need to create meetings that work.


Efficient Meeting Flow – MeetingResult

Helpful links for running more efficient business meetings.

Meeting Effectiveness Evaluation ToolPowerfully Simple Meetings WorkshopPowerfully Simple Meetings BookMeeting Management Web Software

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