Do You Really Want To Know…Or Are You Just Asking?

Meeting Effectiveness – Survey

As we network with business colleagues and prospective clients, one question we are often asked is: “How can my organization run more effective meetings so we can stop wasting so much time?” (or something to that effect).  Our prepared response to this question is first to pause, then to smile, and finally to respond with all sincerity, “Do you really want to know…. or are you just asking?”


Do you really want to know...Or are you just asking?

It’s Not Me! It’s You!

What’s interesting about the question is that it implies the problem with meeting effectiveness is an “organizational” problem versus a personal one.  In other words, many of the professionals we meet already have high regard for their capability to run effective business meetings.  In their view, it’s the other people (i.e. the organization) that are really screwing things up.

While there may be some truth to that sentiment, it stands to reason that if a large majority of business meetings are viewed as an ineffective waste of time, yet most of the people leading these meetings believe they’ve got meeting management mastered, then someone must be wrong.

What Is The Solution?

What’s also interesting about the question is that it suggests that there is a common one-size-fits-all answer that can be articulated in a conversation or sound byte.   If you study any of the available statistics on meeting effectiveness in the United States, you’ll soon realize that corporate America is a complete mess when it comes to effective meeting management.

If the answer to the question was so straight forward then it stands to reason that almost every organization would have figured out the solution by now.

So, if someone really wants to know how to help an organization improve its meeting effectiveness, the answer is that you first have to understand and quantify what’s currently going on in your meeting rooms. We gain that information through a meeting effectiveness survey.

Assess The Existing Meeting Environment

While most organizations have problems with meeting effectiveness, the root cause issue of those problems can vary from organization to organization (or even department to department).  You first have to know where your pain points are and what you’re looking to solve.  Otherwise, it’s like buying a pair of shoes without knowing how you’re going to use them.  While they may all go on your feet you’ll likely purchase a different shoe depending on if you’re hiking, running, climbing, working, or relaxing.

Meeting Effectiveness Survey

At MeetingResult we developed a powerfully simple tool to help companies perform an assessment quickly and easily.  Our Meeting Effectiveness Evaluation Tool (MEET) is designed to measure the meeting performance of an organization across the five key categories that drive meeting effectiveness.  Collectively these categories represent the fundamental elements of the meeting process that drive your meeting culture and performance.

Our meeting assessment tool provides a digital readout on the challenges and opportunities within each of these key areas and enables the organization to obtain a customized view of their meeting environment and targeted recommendations for improving your meeting culture.

So if you really want to know how to improve your organization’s meeting effectiveness contact us at and we’ll be more than happy to walk you through the process.

Leave us a comment below and let us know your thoughts on improving the meeting effectiveness in your organization.  What have you tried, what has worked and what hasn’t worked?


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Helpful links for running more efficient business meetings.

Meeting Effectiveness Evaluation ToolPowerfully Simple Meetings WorkshopPowerfully Simple Meetings BookMeeting Management Web Software