Improve Meeting Performance with Technology

Technology – Making This Easier

Most of us understand the advantages that information technology provides in our lives and we can’t deny that computers and mobile devices have become ingrained in our cultures.  Anything from booking an airline ticket on your favorite internet travel site to keeping track of To Dos on your favorite iPad app we use information technology to simplify our lives and save time.
The phrase “there’s an app for that” has become part of our standard vocabulary and people expect that there is an application out there that can help them with almost anything that they need to do.

The Tools At Our Disposal

Given this why wouldn’t we expect that technology could improve our meetings?  I am a big fan of the old adage, anything worth doing is worth doing well.  If we view meetings as a “necessary evil”, as many people do, then why don’t we try to improve them?  I am not suggesting that technology is a silver bullet but if you can develop or adopt a standard process for planning, executing, and following through on meetings and you can automate much of that process with technology then what is stopping you?
The bottom line is that we need to use the tools at our disposal to automate processes where possible and streamline the process of delivering results.

Systems For Standard Processing

Before you schedule that next meeting stop and think.  How could I implement a standard process for planning, executing and following through on meetings?  It doesn’t have to be complex it just needs to be systematic and repeatable and you have to exercise the discipline required to follow the process for each and every meeting.  Please feel free to take our MeetingResult methodology and put it to use within your organization.


Master Your Meetings


Efficient Meeting Flow – MeetingResult

Helpful links for running more efficient business meetings.

Meeting Effectiveness Evaluation ToolPowerfully Simple Meetings WorkshopPowerfully Simple Meetings BookMeeting Management Web Software