Three Personality Traits of Great Meeting Leaders – Part 3 of 3

Personality Trait – Organization

The third personality trait of great meeting leaders is Organization.  Meeting leaders set a tone for the meeting before a single attendee enters the meeting space. Basic actions, such as sending out a clear agenda with materials in advance of a meeting, demonstrate organization and competence.


A meeting leader that plans on the fly, scrambles to prepare materials, or has uncertainty about meeting participation sets a tone of disarray.

Organization involves simple tactics with high impact. Being an effective meeting leader requires a modest level of administrative work. Basic tasks, such as planning the agenda, making copies, and confirming attendance, must always be done well. Failing to perform these tasks can undermine the effectiveness of the meeting.

The Big 3 Personality Traits For A Meeting Leader

Collectively Humility, Confidence, and Organization create a powerful formula for leaders leveraging the PSM system. These traits inspire attendees to perform at their best and enable the meeting leader to drive toward higher levels of clarity, accountability, and performance that we so desperately need in our meeting rooms.

How are you showing up with respect to the organization?  Could you use some improvement?  What impact would this have on your meetings?  Leave us a comment below!


Efficient Meeting Flow – MeetingResult

Helpful links for running more efficient business meetings.

Meeting Effectiveness Evaluation ToolPowerfully Simple Meetings WorkshopPowerfully Simple Meetings BookMeeting Management Web Software