The Hidden Value of Capturing Meeting Data

Meeting Effectiveness – Data In our last blog post we highlighted the time savings and improvement in productivity that our customers have experienced over the past six months and that we quantified in a recent survey. This was exciting news … Continued

MeetingResult 6-Month Update

We launched our cloud based version of MeetingResult in late September of 2013. As of March 2014 we have seen the following usage patterns. Since October 1,272 New Meeting Planners have created 2,088 Projects; added 9,769 Stakeholders; conducted 5,735 Meetings; … Continued

15-Minute Friday

Meeting Effectiveness – Reviewing I read an article recently about how successful people handle time management. The article offered several helpful tips on time management. The tip that stuck in my mind was the concept of 15-minute Fridays. The author … Continued